Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fruits of my labors

This is the result of my first day of Spring Break. We cleaned out the entire kitchen.

(cat not included)

Getting rid of your stuff is a difficult process. I am the queen of unfinished projects, so please imagine how many "to do" piles I have. I want to believe I will tailor that jacket/skirt/dress and a puzzle is always fun for about 4 days. Then it just sits there for a year or three.
As hard as it may be to get rid of what could have been, it feels really good to say goodbye and leave room for the things that are important.
Knowing that I got rid of 37 lbs of unused and unwanted stuff today is quite liberating.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Next week is Spring Break. I will be able to get more cleaning and removing-of-things-that-don't-belong-in-my-life-anymore done. I leave you with these images of clean, beautiful homes that have been motivating me for a while.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

all the more reason

Tonight this story was on the news. I'm glad no one was hurt, but this line called my attention.

reported seeing "heavy smoke showing and pack rat conditions in the home"


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the first of many

I spent the better half of January selling things on ebay for next to nothing in my first attempt to get rid of things. Shoes, clothes, and scrapbooking stuff. Today I am taking to Goodwill the following stuffed into an old laundry basket:

10 books
11 items of clothing
1 purse
1 pair of shoes
1 cat toy

With that I am also sending a box full of jars, a huge dry erase board, two crystal vases and a laptop.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm Leslie. I don't consider myself a minimalist by any stretch, but there are certain ideals that I'm beginning to strive for in my life. One of the main principles I've been trying to adopt is the elimination of unnecessary possessions. Since the beginning of the year I've been in a frenzy of decluttering my home and frantically trying to live up to the motto "A place for everything and everything in its place".

So welcome to 2,240 lbs. This site will document my journey as I clear my life of ONE TON of crap. This will be no simple task: between my many crafting ambitions, a husband with pack rat tendencies, and two cats with more toys than most children I know, this will be a great adventure.

Oh, wait! I'm giving myself until the end of June to accomplish this. What good would this blog be without an artificial deadline to heighten the drama?

And one more thing! I'm also going to account for all the things I acquire in order to correctly offset the weight.

Wish me luck!